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Founder and Creator of Artistic Yoga ™
Swami Maitreyananda

Swami Maitreyananda in an internationally recognized Yoga Master who has conducted numerous yoga teachers training course, president of World Yoga Council of International Yoga Federation, Patron of Yoga Federation of India and Founder of International Integral Yoga Society - AUROBINDO SIVANANDA ASHRAM ®.

Swami Maitreyananda is the founder and creator of Artistic Yoga ™ in 1970.
The Artistic Yoga or Yoga of Swami Maitreyananda, become in 1985 to France and Uruguay, 1987 to Argentina, Brazil and South America, 1992 to India and Asia, 1993 to U.S.A. at the Unity in Yoga Conference. In America all people called Yoga Flow to the choreographed  artistic yoga with music. The integration of postures, positions, mudras, breathing with the music. Make yoga with music was one of the most brilliant inventions of swamiji in 1970. Creating a true revolution of yoga. This method is currently one of the popular in Europe, Asia, America and India.  Guruji Adapting ancient yoga techniques to suit contemporary lifestyle requirements. Artistic Yoga is taught in the world in Argentina, Brazil, Bulgary, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Ukraine, U.S.A. and Uruguay

Gurji founded in 1985 the International School of Artistic Yoga ®

Swamini Lakshmi is the director of International School of Artistic Yoga ®, she is the director of Artistic Yoga International, president of International Yoga Sports Federation and President of International Integral Yoga Society - AUROBINDO SIVANANDA ASHRAM ®. It is several times world champion yoga, her perfection in the yoga techniques and sweetness are stamp on each course,
The Mastet and Founder
Course of Master
Teacher Training
World Championships

Teachers Authorized
Since 1985 were 22 world championships of artistic yoga™ and 73 festivals around the world